Jody Ferguson was interviewed by Chris Mosser and Brett Isaacs for the Progress Texas Podcast, Progress Texas Happy Hour on the topic of Russia & Ukraine.
From Progress Texas:
Even with weeks of buildup, the invasion of Ukraine by Vladimir Putin's Russia has still been a complete shock to most Texans. What will be the immediate and long-term impacts in Texas, what can we do to help, and what's coming next? Dr. Jody Ferguson is an Austin-based author and expert on Russian political thought and strategy, and we're honored to have spent some time listening to his insight - his hosts for this special bonus podcast are Progress Texas Development Manager Brett Isaacs and Content Creation Specialist Chris Mosser.

Is it possible for Texans and Americans to fully understand the experience of being invaded by a neighboring country? Jody Ferguson was interviewed on the Progress Texas podcast to discuss the invasion of Ukraine.
There are many ways YOU can help: we found a good collection of Ukraine-focused aid organizations that was posted by KSAT television in San Antonio.
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@ChrisMosser and @bisaacs_ had a great talk with foreign police expert
Check out our podcast mini-sode on #Ukraine here: